Happy May!

Happy May Day! Many countries around the world celebrate May 1 as the beginning of spring, leaving May Day baskets hanging on their neighbors’ doors.

Are you looking for ways to welcome spring and the coming summer months?

Check out a few of my articles for ideas on getting out of the house with friends, enriching summer time learning, recharging your social life and ideas to get your family talking around the dinner table.

Parents clipI had the pleasure of working with Parents magazine on this little article in their “Fun” section that features creative ideas to re-energize dinner time conversation. Be sure and pick up this May issue which is jam-packed with great ideas and helpful information!

Screenshot 2014-05-01 09.10.14Want some ideas to revive your social life this summer? Check out my article in Treasure Coast Parenting, “30 Days to a Healthier Social Life” or Networking 101 for Moms” in Neapolitan Family.

Getting ready to send your camper off to camp this summer? How about a few ideas to make the transition go well with my article “Preparing Happy Campers” in Pittsburgh Parent.

Speaking of transitions, many families relocate to new communities this time of the year. My article “Helping Kids Deal with Moving Anxiety” in MetroParents (MI) offers tips.

With summer right around the corner, you may be scrambling to come up with ideas that will help you keep your kiddos from forgetting everything they learned over the school year. Turns out summer time learning can actually be fun and simple. I offer a number of tips to make learning fun and relevant for your kids in my article “Enrich Summertime Learning” in Chicago Suburban Parent.Screenshot 2014-05-01 09.05.16

We spend plenty of time and energy planning playdates for our kids. Now it is time to plan something just for you! Find ideas in my article “Playdates Just for Mom” in Atlanta Parent.

Are you fitness minded, but having trouble getting motivated? Learn about what one hospital system in Virginia is doing to get moms moving in my article “New Fitness Initiative Centered Around Moms” in The Health Journal. This is an initiative that you can bring to your hometown, too!

Wishing you a wonderful kick-off to spring!


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2 thoughts on “Happy May!”

  1. I truly hope it is spring! Congrats on Parents magazine- that is very cool. FYI The link to the Health Journal did not work- I was interested to read that.

    1. Thanks, Sue! I fixed the link. It should be working now. Thanks for pointing that out!

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