Confidently Connected:
A Mom’s Guide to a Satisfying Social Life
by Christa Hines

Are you a new mom who feels isolated and alone?
Are you new to your community and unsure
how to rebuild your network?
Do you feel stuck in a hyperactive cycle of activities and draining relationships?
Confidently Connected: A Mom’s Guide to a Satisfying Social Life is THE e-book for you!
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Are you a new mom who feels isolated and alone?
Are you new to your community and unsure
how to rebuild your network?
Do you feel stuck in a hyperactive cycle of activities and draining relationships?
Confidently Connected: A Mom’s Guide to a Satisfying Social Life is THE e-book for you!
Whether you are a new or seasoned mom — working, staying home or somewhere in-between — this book will show you how to:
- Find a parenting group that matches your needs, parenting philosophy and personality.
- Connect and converse with confidence.
- Empower yourself to contend with draining relationships and mommy cliques.
- Use social media to tap new friendships and enhance old ones.
- Learn creative, practical ways to form a group of fun, supportive mom friends.
Research shows that strong social networks and family connections can help us live longer, healthier and happier lives. Social bonding among women boosts oxytocin levels, a natural hormone that combats stress, anxiety, and depression. Even a couple of hours spent with friends can provide emotional nourishment, reducing your stress and lifting your spirits. As a result, you’ll return home a happier, more effective parent with increased energy and enthusiasm.
If you feel alone and isolated, Confidently Connected will gently guide you back out into the world. You’ll learn how to breathe new life into your network and regain your footing with a sense of purpose and support. This ebook will also help you prioritize, develop boundaries and create a network that complements rather than controls your life.
As a mom, you not only embody one of life’s most important callings, you’re engaged in one of the world’s most challenging jobs. You don’t have to go it alone. Tackle each day feeling confident, empowered and connected.

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