Magazine Clips

Mind Matters

The Brain Fog Fix: Common causes–and how to conquer it | Vibrant Life

Beat the Wintertime Blues & Blahs: 13 Ways to Nourish Your Spirit | Vibrant Life

12 Tips to Tame the Holiday Circus | Vibrant Life

Your Brain Wants More Friends: Why Your Mind Thrives When You Socialize | Vibrant Life

Coming Back to Life: How to Go from Languishing to Flourishing | Vibrant Life

How to Have Dazzling Dinner Conversations | Vibrant Life

United We Stand: How to Talk to People You Disagree with Politically | Vibrant Life

New Year, New Attitude: How to Experience More Joy in 2023 | Vibrant Life

Do School Shooting Drills Traumatize Kids? |

7 Unexpected Signs You’re Too Stressed | Vibrant Life

20 Ways to be Healthier in 2020: #4: Keep a Childlike Sense of Wonder | Vibrant Life

How Your Personality Affects Your Health | Vibrant Life

30 Days to a Healthier Social Life | Neapolitan Family

Celebrate Everything! 3 Reasons to Add More Celebration to Your Life | Vibrant Life

Game Over: How Video Games Affect a Child’s Brain and Behavior | Vibrant Life 

Separation Anxiety: Teens and Social Media Addiction | The Health Journals (VA)

Mindful Parenting

Mindfully Parenting Your Drama Queen | Sacramento Parent

Keep Calm & Carry On: How to Keep Your Cool While Parenting | Vibrant Life

Pregnancy / Baby

Prepping Your Dog for Baby |

What to Expect: C-Sections Vs. Vaginal Births | Kansas City Baby

Guilt trip? Ease the pain of separation | The Costco Connection

Power down: Get your online interactions under control before social media affects your mama mojo | Pregnancy & Newborn

Kid Play / Talk

Go Outside & Play! A Family Prescription for Nature-Deficit Disorder | Vibrant Life

From Fairytales to Waterfalls: Unearth Mother Nature’s Playground | Orlando Family

Kids are cooking: Culinary adventures at summer camps | The Costco Connection

Bonding at Bedtime: The Magic of Storytelling | Fredericksburg Parent

Table Talking PointsParents

What Politics Can Teach Our Kids | Volusia Parent

Taming Butterflies: Proactive Steps Now Will Help Kids Calm Public Speaking Jitters Later | North State Parent

6 Tips to Nurture a Confident Decision Maker | Kansas City Parent

Life’s Transitions

Time to Tango with the Tooth Fairy? | Child Guide

Preparing Happy Campers | Metro Family (OK)

Moving with Kids: 9 Tips to Ease Your Family’s Transition |

Get Connected: 18 Ways to Grow Your Social Network During Life Transitions | Northumberland Kids

Optimistic Aging: How Expressing Optimism Can Enhance Your Golden Years | Vibrant Life

Essays / Lists

Driving Donuts |

9 True Cliches about Motherhood | Treasure Coast Parenting

50 Lessons from the Trenches (list) | Seminole County Parenting

Additional clips are available by request.

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