Summer Buckets!

Summer vacation starts this week for us. I can’t figure out where this past school year went, but I’m excited about the slower-paced weeks ahead of us. To be honest, usually by mid-July, I’m over the whole summer vacation thing and I’m ready to get my kids back to school! Some families do really well

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Your Intuition: A Communication Powerhouse (If You Allow It)

Our intuition is a part of communication that comes from deep within and sends messages that we often ignore. After all, it is sometimes hard to discern an intuitive feeling from fear and anxiety. Judith Orloff, M.D., author of several books that deal with healing and intuition including her latest bestseller Emotional Freedom, writes on

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A Series on Nurturing Communication Skills in Your Child

Teaching children how to engage in conversation is just as valuable a skill as basic manners. Without learning boundaries in conversation and the rules of engagement, a child can grow into an adult who frequently interrupts and dominates conversation with little concept of non-verbal cues or regard for others, or on the opposite end of

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