Virtual Book Launch Party Today!

Don’t forget today is my Virtual Book Launch Party on Facebook from 4:30-8:30 CST! This will be a festive event with plenty of opportunities to chime in, share your experiences and thoughts, and learn about resources that will help you prepare your child for the digital world.

Please feel free to pop in and out at your convenience. This event is open to the public. If you have a friend you’d like to invite, you are welcome to share this post.

Have a specific question you are hoping to learn the answer during the event? Leave a comment below.

Thank you for helping me celebrate the launch of Happy, Healthy & Hyperconnected! There is still plenty of time to enter my giveaway. Simply scroll down to the Rafflecopter link below.


Parker cartoon: Back to school
Cartoon: Jeff Parker/Florida Today



a Rafflecopter giveaway

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