Managing Emotions in a Sea of Change

2016-06-13 06.36.44The end of summer brings out all kinds of feelings for moms, from nostalgia as another summer slips into the memory books to annoyance as we break up more and more sibling battles between our bored kids.

Maybe the words: “I’ve had it! It’s time to go back to school!” have crossed your lips as they have mine.

And then there are those contentious battles online. We’re in a season of upheaval and uncertainty as we wonder who our next president will be. One woman said she was looking for a political filter button on Facebook. I think there are number of folks looking for that button! 

Yes, emotions are brimming. How do you find peace of mind and a retain a sense of calm?

In my August newsletter, I tackle a variety of issues as we head into the end of summer and back to school season, including:

  • Taking time for a mini-retreat
  • Getting an unenthusiastic youngster excited for a new school year
  • Managing your emotional impulses in the midst of online political debate
  • Escaping for a star-struck date night
  • Creating a supportive community while parenting alone

From personal time to quality time with your family and friends and managing your reactions when it comes to hot-button issues, you can create an environment that feels positive and energizing as we move into the next season of the year. 

Want to see an example of my August newsletter? Click here

Subscribing is easy. Head here to get added to my list. My newsletter typically comes out every first Wednesday of the month. 


On August 15,  in my Facebook group Confidently Connected Moms don’t miss guest host Magalie Rene-Hayes, a classroom and interior designer of Kid Smart Spaces. Magalie will share ways to create an inspiring home environment that will boost your kids’ concentration, focus and well-being.

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