Mmmm….Thin Mints, Samoas, Tagalongs…Everyone I know has their favorite Girl Scout cookie. And now if the council in your community is participating, you can order these delicious treats from your favorite scout through a digital cookie platform.
For the first time ever, Girl Scouts is introducing their scouts to a high-tech approach to cookie sales. Scouts will have the opportunity to market and take online orders using their own customized websites or through a mobile app.
Scouts can email a link to their customized website to family and friends. Their customers pay by credit card and the cookies are shipped directly to them. Girls who aren’t using the website option, can download an app to their “smart” device and accept credit card orders in-person.
According to the Girl Scouts’ organization website, “Digital Cookie will expand girls’ knowledge of and hands-on experience with online marketing, app use, website customization and e-commerce.”
GSA goes on to say that they will ensure the safety of their scouts by having parents and girls sign an Internet safety pledge and require parental oversight and consent for any changes made to each scout’s personally customized website. And if you were wondering, 100 percent of cookie sales proceeds will still go directly to the scout’s local council.
If done with guidance and support from parents and leaders, I think this is a positive opportunity for girls to learn modern lessons in e-commerce. The more guidance we can provide our kids about how to engage in positive, professional communication practices online the better. And what a great way for these families to discuss ethical, safe interaction online and steer their children in the right direction as they begin exploring the ins and outs of online engagement.
What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie? What do you think of the digital cookie program?