Don’t tell me your service or product heals. Show me how it heals, and why it matters to my life.
I regularly hear my clients say that you have to experience one of their services to understand it. They aren’t being cheeky or difficult. This is a real challenge. Many of their services are oftentimes exceptionally difficult to explain.
The problem? People won’t purchase what they don’t understand.
I believe it’s a disservice to the many people who you can help when you are unable to articulate how your service or product can aid in healing or solving a problem. That’s why I love unpacking some of these more esoteric experiences and helping my clients describe the transformative power of their health and wellness services.
Show, Don’t Tell
When you start thinking about your product or service in terms of how it can impact a person’s daily life, you can energize your writing by describing how your ideal customer will feel as a result of purchasing your product or service. For example:
Suppose you’re trying to sell a meal plan that you know works, but you’re having trouble getting people to understand what makes it different from all of the others out there.
Instead of:
“This meal plan service will help you heal your gut.”
“With my guided 30-day meal plan, you’ll begin to experience less gas, more regular bowel movements, and a cooling of the volcanic stomach acids blistering your esophagus each day. You’ll learn ways to enjoy dinner out with your loved ones without worrying about the tight, agonizing girdle of digestive pain that frequently that leaves you stranded on the couch afterwards.”
To guide you in your writing, consider your typical client’s needs, worries, issues and concerns.
Suppose you are a soap-maker. You determine that your ideal clients are environmentally-focused and want to purchase quality, earth-friendly goods.
Instead of:
“My soaps smell good. They are healthy for you and good for the environment.”
“The simple act of inhaling the soothing scents of jasmine, clary sage or lavender as your scrub up with one of my low carbon footprint soaps feels transformative. Suddenly, you’re bursting with a bubbly feeling of shiny hope. You’ve become a Mother Earth warrior wrapped in the scent of a woody, calming bouquet of love.”
You can also use words your current clients use to describe your service as a way to explain it to others.
Let’s say you are an energetic business coach who uses intuition to help your clients move forward in their lives and businesses. That could be pretty tough to explain, right? Let’s play with it a bit.
Instead of:
My intuitive readings will provide you with valuable guidance in your business.
“Clarifying,” “energizing” and “incredibly enlightening” are just a few reasons why my clients consult with me as they work to elevate their businesses—and their lives. During our one-to-one time together, I’ll help you shed light on the surprising obstacles currently holding you back. And together, we’ll get you back on track by building a step-by-step plan that will help you reach your goals faster and create the life you’ve long desired.
You can do it too.
Describe the transformative nature of your service. As you write, consider questions like:
- Why do I believe in this product or service?
- How does this product or service work?
- How will it make people feel after they experience it?
- What do my current clients or customers say about my product or service?
- Why does achieving this healing or solving this problem matter to their lives?
- Can my service/product help my client achieve a desire or goal in their life and/or help others in some way?
Don’t worry about editing your words just yet. Just write and see what you come up with.
Want to share?
Describe one of your services and share it in the comments below along with a link to your website.