Did you know that there are design tricks that can help you create a home environment that fosters your child’s creativity and ability to concentrate and learn? With legions of youngsters heading back into the classroom during the next few weeks, now is the time to learn new ways to get your home back-to-school ready.
“The spaces in which we engage shape us and help us shape the world,” says Magalie René-Hayes, founder and designer, Foundations Design Group. “Our environment informs what we create. That’s true for schools and also for homes.”
Magalie works with educators and parents across the United States in her mission to create environments that help our kids learn and thrive. And I’m thrilled to announce that on Monday, August 15, she’s planning to share some of her expertise as a special guest host in my Facebook group Confidently Connected Moms!
During her free workshop, Kid-Smart Spaces: Your Home Environment & Your Little Genius, you’ll learn:
- How your home’s layout, design, and decor can impact wellness, focus, behavior, mood, problem-solving skills, creativity, and concentration.
- Tips & tricks for creating an optimal homework/study area.
- The one area in your home that most supports your child’s academic success.
How do you join? Follow the link Confidently Connected Moms to join on Facebook. This is a closed group to protect the privacy of the conversations. Once I receive your request to join, I will add you. Once in, you can also invite your friends.
How can you participate? Throughout the day, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with Magalie, ask questions, participate in discussions and learn ways to create a home that will help support your young learner. The event will go on throughout the day. Pop in as your schedule allows.
About Magalie: In 2008, Magalie traded a 15-year career in project management and marketing for the non-profit world of philanthropic powerhouse, The Ford Foundation. The idea of design-meets-social-change took shape while working at their headquarters, one of New York City’s oldest green buildings designed by architect, Kevin Roche.
In 2012, she was offered an opportunity to redesign a Brooklyn Charter School in need of physical spaces that reflected its mission. Foundations Design Group has been helping school administrators and educators use interior design and organizing principles to transform their schools ever since. As a result, hundreds of students have gained nurturing, engaging, organized environments where they can discover the gifts they’ll use to make meaningful contributions to the world.
Magalie supports several non-profit organizations serving children and the arts including Haiti Cultural Exchange, The Hollywood Arts Council, Create for Kids, and Fleur De Vie. She has been featured in numerous magazines including Dr. Oz The Good Life, Good Housekeeping and Univision, and speaks on topics including interior design, personal growth, transitioning careers, and creating “Kid-Smart Spaces” for the classroom and home. Magalie works on a variety of residential, commercial, and institutional projects throughout the United States.
Want to connect with Magalie? Follow her on:
Instagram: kidsmartspaces
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KidSmartSpaces
Twitter: @kidsmartspaces
Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/magalierenehayes
*Do you have a special expertise that you’d like to share with moms? To submit your idea or to learn more about the monthly guest-hosting opportunities in Confidently Connected Moms, please contact me.