Christa Hines

Christa M. Hines is an award-winning freelance journalist, author and professional health and wellness copywriter.

[Guest Post] Flying the Friendly Skies

Have you ever thought it funny how traveling has a way of uniting complete strangers? Despite the so-called Mommy Wars waging across the nation, motherhood can have a unifying effect, too. Heidi Smith Luedtke, personality psychologist, writer and author of Detachment Parenting: 33 Ways to Keep Your Cool When Kids Melt Down, explores this phenomenon. Heidi is

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You’ve Joined. Now What?

Congratulations! You’ve found a moms’ group that you would like to be part of and you’re officially a dues-paid, card-carrying member. If you are like many people, the hardest part of joining a new group is moving from the newbie phase to seasoned member. This is the step that stops many of us in our

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