Your Intuition: A Communication Powerhouse (If You Allow It)

Our intuition is a part of communication that comes from deep within and sends messages that we often ignore. After all, it is sometimes hard to discern an intuitive feeling from fear and anxiety.

Judith Orloff, M.D., author of several books that deal with healing and intuition including her latest bestseller Emotional Freedom, writes on her website that unlike fear or paranoia, intuition comes from a more neutral, nonemotional place. She describes intuitive feeling as sometimes feeling like you are on the outside looking in on a scene, as if you were watching a movie.

I bet you can think of a time when a) you listened to your intuition and got the calming sense that everything was right with the world and/or b) you ignored your intuition and felt like you were fighting an uphill, emotional battle, later experiencing the “what was I thinking” or “I could just kick myself” syndrome.

My friends and family frequently remind me to trust my motherly instinct when I’m faced with a dilemma concerning my children. Naturally, that doesn’t mean I don’t lose sleep over the issue as the loud emotional side of me wages war with the calm, thoughtful gut feeling that quietly waits its turn to be heard.

When you go with your gut, life seems to flow more easily. It’s as if the stars align momentarily. Trust those telling feelings even if they don’t make sense. And, teach your children to do the same.

Tell your child that if she gets an “icky” feeling around someone or if something feels weird, even if she can’t explain it, that she needs to get away and let you know about it. While I’m not suggesting you freak out, don’t brush her off if she indicates that someone made her feel uncomfortable. Even if that person didn’t do anything in particular, it doesn’t hurt to have him (or her) on your radar. I believe children are especially intuitive and as their caretakers we need to honor those gut feelings.

And consider how our intuition can influence who we allow into our lives. Ever notice how certain people make your spirit feel warm and inspired, while others make us feel drained or even a little creeped out?

Your intuition is a communication powerhouse. Listen carefully and be aware. You’ll be less likely to stray from your glowing path of purpose.

How much importance do you give your intuition? Do you usually go with your gut or are you more likely to ignore it?

photo courtesy: dan

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