I have many articles available for reprint or revision. For more information about these articles and to learn if the article you are interested in is available in your market, please contact me. I offer one-time reprint rights and/or one-time electronic rights.
30 Days to a Healthier Social Life (938 words): Nothing tempers child-rearing anxieties like a strong support system. Unfortunately, transitionary times, like relocations, new babies and life changes, can create a sense of loneliness and disconnection for many moms. I provide simple, energizing tips to help moms gently breathe new life into their social network.
Show Yourself a Little Love: How to Mindfully Bust Out of a Hyperactive Lifestyle (935 words, including three sidebars): Nearly 40 percent of women report experiencing extreme stress that is negatively affecting their relationships and their health. In this article, one mom shares how a heart attack that she believes was related to an extremely stressful lifestyle, nearly killed her while she was pregnant with her fifth child. Readers will learn about the health risks of overcommitment and how they can rein in a brutal and demanding schedule.
50 Lessons from the Trenches (897 words): When the nurse tucked my son into my arms for the first time, I couldn’t have imagined everything I would learn. I visualized the big picture, but never anticipated the many little moments that sometimes bring me frustration, but usually a great deal of joy and gratitude every day. In this personal essay, I reflect on a few of the lessons parenting two boys has taught me so far. This essay provides a positive and uplifting look at the notable, humorous and bittersweet moments of motherhood that many parents will relate to.

Networking 101 for Moms (908 words, including sidebar): Whether expectant or new, working, stay-at-home or somewhere in between, many moms find that forming a supportive network is a challenge. I explain why support matters and provide simple tips to help moms begin forming a healthy social network right away.
12 Playdates Just for Moms (875 words): Although we are rarely alone, motherhood can sometimes feel a little lonely. Spending time with a few understanding friends to vent, laugh and reenergize in a kid-free zone is healthy and a great way to shake off the blues! This article highlights 12 different ways moms can come together for an entertaining moms night out.
Five Ways to Handle Parent Cliques (719 words): Getting involved at your child’s school is a great way to get to know other parents and expand your family’s network. But what do you do if you are met with some resistance by the status quo and find both yourself and your child orbiting the circle? Dr. Fran Walfish, a family psychotherapist and author, shares her expert advice about how to persevere in the face of socially exclusive behavior, especially when it impacts your child.
11 Secrets of Happy Moms (773 words): Parents know that raising a family come with plenty of challenges and stressful situations. For those times when you’re feeling emotionally stuck, it doesn’t hurt to have a few tricks up your sleeve to reverse the blues. In this article, moms share what they do to help infuse their busy lives with more joy.

12 Guilty Pleasures That Combat Stress (946 words): Moms who nurture themselves, even in simple, small ways are more energized, less stressed and happier overall. And a healthy, happy mom usually means a happier, healthier family. In this article, I share simple ideas that help moms carve space in their lives to nurture their spirits and boost their emotional health.
Mom Quiz: What Kind of Mom Are You? (1,823 words): The Parenting Media Association awarded this light-hearted quiz a 2016 Bronze award. In this quiz, moms learn what their answers mean, including the traits people admire most about them. As we tell our kids, isn’t it our differences that make each of us special?
Nine True Cliches About Motherhood (841 words): Along with adorable blankets, outfits and loveys for their soon-to-arrive baby, expectant parents receive plenty of advice. In this personal experience piece, I share cliches that while tiresome to hear repeatedly, are actually valuable and inspiring to consider. This article is the perfect addition to Mother’s Day issues that both expectant and seasoned parents will get a kick out of.
10 Survival Tips for Single Parents (745 words plus a sidebar): Parenting is tough under the best of circumstances. But for parents who are flying solo, life can present all kinds of hurdles, ranging from strained finances to a lack of meaningful support. Experts share ideas that single parents can use to better manage stress and help lighten the load.
Caring for the Caretaker: Supporting Parents of Special Needs Children (732 words): We know how important it is to take time to care for yourself if you’re going to be a healthy parent, but for parents who care for children with special needs, time for self-care is even more difficult to come by. In this piece, I share common challenges parents of special needs children face and ways we can help support them.
Marriage / Relationships
Fight Fair! How to Engage in Healthy Conflict with Your Spouse (968-words, includes 3 optional sidebars): Experts provide tips about how to disagree respectfully, whether or not to argue in front of the kids, the importance of forgiveness, and when to seek help from a third party.

Show Your Love! The Affection Effect on Marriage (705-words, includes two sidebars): What is the secret to a happy marriage and by extension, a happy family? Many experts say that affection is the key component that helps keep a marriage strong and buffered from life’s inevitable slings and arrows. Parents will learn why affection matters and what to do if it doesn’t come naturally. As part of the article, I offer a sidebar of 17 simple tips to help couples bring more affection into their marriage.
Divorce: How to Tell the Kids (692 words): As the last door shuts on possible reconciliation, couples who are parents must not only deal with their own emotions over the end of a marriage, but also find ways to break the news to their children. Experts share tips about how parents can best discuss their upcoming split with their children, whether preschooler, school-age or adolescent. As part of the article, I also include a sidebar with questions that parents can anticipate from their children.
When Parenting Styles Clash (1,098 words): Many parents struggle to come to terms with their differing approaches to parenting their kids. Without coming to a compromise, diverse parenting styles can destroy a marriage and confuse kids. This article offers ways parents, including divorced parents, can come to terms with diverse parenting styles. In a sidebar, I include a list of the common parenting styles, and how they can affect a child’s development.
Pregnancy / Babies
What to Expect: C-Sections Vs. Vaginal Births (960 words, including sidebar): I outline the differences between c-sections and vaginal births and whether or not VBAC is a viable option for women, who wish to avoid a repeated c-section. As a sidebar for the expectant mom who loves to have a plan, I also include a short list of birth plan considerations.
Naming Baby: Tips to Manage Opinionated Feedback (781 words): For expectant parents, choosing a name for their baby is one of the most important–and sometimes one of the more difficult–decisions they make. But some parents are caught off-guard when they announce their baby’s name and are met with opinionated disapproval from family, friends and strangers. I include anecdotes from parents and expert advice about how to respond to negative feedback.
Bringing Home Baby: Can a Postpartum Doula Help? (899 words, includes sidebar): I provide information about what a postpartum doula does and how she can provide encouragement, support and practical assistance for a new mom and her family. In addition, many are also trained to recognize the signs of postpartum depression and provide helpful resources.
Banking on Cord Blood (714 words): This article discusses the options available to parents who are trying to decide if they should bank their baby’s cord blood or donate it to help people, who are in need of the life-saving stem cells used to treat leukemia, lymphoma and other critical medical conditions.
Healthy Babies Start with Proper Pregnancy Planning (735 words, plus three optional sidebars): Paving the path to a smooth pregnancy and the healthy baby begins long before conception. Experts provide helpful advice for women to consider before they get pregnant. In addition, readers will learn tips to best support themselves and their babies during the early days of pregnancy.

Pregnancy Pains (879 words, plus three optional sidebars): Aches and pains can put a damper on an otherwise joyful pregnancy. While pain is a common side effect of pregnancy, it’s important to manage the pain in order to enjoy a healthy pregnancy and delivery. Readers will learn tips about how to manage the common aches, pains and general discomfort associated with pregnancy.
Be Well Postpartum: 7 Tips for a Healthy Recovery (779 words): In the haze of new motherhood, moms often put their own health and well-being at the bottom of the list. But, a healthy recovery after the birth of a baby is vital to the health and well-being of both mom and baby. New moms learn expert tips about achieving an optimal recovery, physically and emotionally, while caring for their newborn.
When Baby Needs a NICU (849 words): Few expectant parents expect that they will need access to a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). But it’s a good idea to take available NICU services into consideration when researching area hospitals. In this “what to expect just in case” article, parents-to-be will learn about the services of a neonatal intensive care unit should they need one.
Mastering the Art of Nursing in Public (675 words with sidebars): Many new moms are uncertain and nervous about how to manage breastfeeding when they’re on the go. According to the Surgeon General’s Call to Action in Support of Breastfeeding (2011), embarrassment and fear of being stigmatized by people around them is a major barrier to women breastfeeding their babies. In this article, new moms learn tips that will help them nurse while they’re on the go and feel more confident about their choice to breastfeed.
Going the Distance: Why Going Full-Term Matters (811 words, plus two sidebars): According to the March of Dimes, preterm birth poses one of the greatest risks to an infant’s healthy development and is a leading cause of death among babies. In this article, experts define “full term” and explain why it matters. I also share what moms can do to help prevent preterm labor.
Delivered…Now What? What to Expect the First 24 Hours Post-Partum (975 words, plus two optional sidebars): For many expectant parents, the focus is on the labor and delivery. But what what happens after baby arrives? In this piece, new parents can learn what to expect in the minutes and hours after delivery.
Pets & Kids
Choosing the Best Pet for Your Family (790-words): Pet ownership is a wonderful way to help children learn responsibility and nurture empathy. I provide expert advice about how to choose a pet that fits a family’s lifestyle, finances and personality.
Prepping Your Dog for Baby (748 words): In this article, expectant parents will learn ways to better prepare their pups for the new noises, smells and stress that comes with a new baby. From teaching basic manners to establishing boundaries, preparing the family dog for your new addition, is not only important to a smooth transition, but it’s also crucial to the safety and welfare of a baby.

Gender / Sibling Issues
Gender Rules: Should Rules be the Same for Boys and Girls? (993 words/includes 3 sidebars): Experts encourage parents to focus less on raising kids within the confines of gender rules and more on raising healthy, responsible people regardless of their sex.
Raising Boys: Teaching Them to be Good Brothers (697 words): I explore the topic of sibling rivalry between boys and provide tips from experts who also happen to be moms of boys themselves.
10 Steps to Squash Sibling Rivalry (1,075-words including a sidebar): As frustrating as sibling rivalry is for parents, these squabbles can help kids gain valuable skills that will help them manage conflict throughout their lives. I share tips from experts about how to approach sibling battles in a way that gets parents (mostly) out of the fray and strengthens their kids’ conflict resolution skills.
Creativity / Self-Expression
Calling for a Little Peace & Quiet (955 words): Kids are just as busy as their parents these days, but taking moments to unwind and simply play are necessary to nurture a child’s creativity and independence. Parents will learn ways to incorporate quiet time into their family’s life.
10 Tips to Support the Spirited Child (822 words): Children who are emotionally intense by nature can wear out even the most patient parent. Parents learn ways to help a spirited child manage her emotions without resorting to shaming or punishment. As part of the word-count, I’ve included a sidebar defining the label “drama queen” and when a parent should seek help.
Five Reasons to Get Your Kids Outside (1,024 words): Time spent outside is transformative for kids, helping them better manage their moods, socialize and creatively solve problems. In this feature-length article, experts and moms share how the great outdoors can help us raise healthy, well-adjusted kids, including fun ways to encourage outdoor play.
Digital Designers: Creative Ways Techy Kids Can Express Themselves: (884 words) By mid-summer, the excitement and freedom of summer break starts to hit the skids as kids grow bored and increasingly dependent on passive entertainment like television and video games. In this piece, readers learn ideas that will help introduce kids to proactive online endeavors that can foster their creativity, literacy and technical skills. Instead of simply being passive content consumers, they’ll learn how to be creative producers.

Fall / Back-to-School / Education
Kicking Off Kindergarten (703 words): Tips for parents to help their youngster enjoy a successful transition into kindergarten. This article includes ways to communicate with the teacher, encouraging your child to talk about school, and what to do if your child has a bad day.
Teacher Trouble: How to Resolve Child-Teacher Conflict (846 words): Parents will learn tips about how to respond if their child announces that he doesn’t like his teacher. The article aims to answer questions like: Should I remove my child from the class? Do I talk with the principal? How do I talk to the teacher about the problem?
Coaching Confidence: How to Help Kids Approach Public Speaking Without Fear (755 words including sidebar): Proactive steps now help kids calm public speaking jitters later. I offer tips that parents can try as early as the preschool years to help their kids develop into confident public speakers.
Fire Up a Reluctant Reader (832 words, plus two optional sidebars): Tips to help parents get their children more interested in reading.
Fun Once the Bell Rings (797 words, including sidebar): Includes activities, both structured and DIY, that complement school work and build valuable social skills. After spending the day working hard at school, having a fun after-school activity to look forward to can make a big difference in a child’s motivation and engagement in the overall learning process. The key is to strike the right balance.
Engaging the Daydreamer (803 words, including sidebar): Daydreaming is a healthy, creative outlet for kids. But, daydreaming can become problematic when it interferes with a child’s success in the classroom. This piece includes tips to help a youngster, who has a tendency to drift off, refocus her attention.

It’s Time! Teaching Kids Time Management Skills (778 words): Time management is a learned skill and is linked to long-term success in school and in life. In this piece, experts share tips and tricks to teach kids to manage their time and reduce stress on the entire family.
Nine Tips from Teachers to Kick the School Year Off Right (833 words, plus sidebars): Get best practice ideas from teachers that will help families enjoy a happy transition from summer break back into school. In addition, I include two optional sidebars, one geared for middle schoolers and the other, a fun back-to-school quiz.
Seven tips to ease homework frustration and boost focus (834 words): In this piece, I share a few surprising ideas from experts to help create a less contentious homework time.
Are You Playing with Fire? (873 words, including sidebar). October is Fire Prevention Month. Of the many disasters that strike families, fires are among the most common. Children under five are twice as likely to die in a house fire compared to the rest of the population. In this piece, I weave my personal experience with a major house fire with resourceful information from experts. At the end of the article, I include an optional quiz.
My Child is a Bully? (727 words): Parents can learn helpful tips from experts about what steps to take if their child is bullying other kids. They will also learn how to nurture empathy in their child, which is a key to prevent bullying.
Is Teasing Bullying? (782 words including two sidebars): Although schools often link teasing with bullying, lighthearted teasing is a prosocial skill that helps us bond and strengthen relationships. The hard part is teaching kids the difference between playful teasing and mean-spirited teasing. In this article, experts discuss the differences between teasing as a prosocial skill and teasing that’s more like bullying. They also share how to teach kids the difference and stand up for themselves if teasing gets ugly.
Keeping Your Middle Schooler Organized (741 words including sidebar): The transition into middle school can be challenging as kids are expected to be more independent and responsible. For tweens, who are still learning how to organize their materials and time, the first year of middle school can be especially rough. Experts share how to set young adolescents up for success and enjoy a more organized year ahead.
The Experts Speak (964 words): When it comes to advice for transitioning successfully back to school this fall, who better to ask than the experts?! This article provides valuable tips from elementary and middle school principals, teachers, counselors and a school nurse.
15 Genius Back to School Tips (995 words, including sidebar): Every parent needs a game plan to get the school year rolling. Parents share their favorite ideas about the strategies that work for them for making a hectic school year go a little smoother.

Family Communication / Connection
The Happy Family Playbook: Eight Secrets of Happy Families (1,088 words, including sidebar):We all know that personal happiness can ebb and flow depending on what life throws our way. But some families seem more resilient to life’s challenges and are happier overall. What are they doing differently? The simple answer is they are focusing on building strong connections with each other. I share tips from experts about how to build stronger relationships with our children and with our partners.
When Toddlers Say No! (816 words): Provides information to parents about how to manage this challenging, but completely normal part of development.
Five Fun Games to Spark Dinnertime Conversation (565 words, including sidebar): Silence isn’t so golden if you’re sitting around the dinner table with your family trying to get your kids to share details of their day. But turn dinnertime conversation into a game and suddenly the whole family is engaged!
Decisions, Decisions: Six Tips to Nurture a Confident Decision Maker (740 words): In a world with a multitude of choices, parents will learn how to help children who struggle with decision-making grow more confident. Learning to handle minor decisions now will help them develop the skills and confidence to manage the big ones later on.
Connect Through the Magic of Storytelling (903 words): Parents learn why storytelling matters and how they can incorporate it into their family’s day-to-day lives to nurture a stronger emotional bond with their children.
10 Ways to Foster Communication Skills that Every Child Needs to Master (959 words, including sidebar): In our digitally-focused world, nurturing well-rounded communication skills in our kids has never been more important. While social media offers numerous benefits, balance is key. Over time a lack of rich face-to-face interactions can numb a child’s ability to recognize important social cues like subtle body language, facial expressions and voice inflection. I share tips about how to teach kids social skills that will serve them well as they grow into independent adults.
How Far Should a Parent Go to Respect a Teen’s Privacy? (961 words, plus optional sidebars): teens want their parents to stay out of their business and give them space. This is a natural and normal part of development. But how much privacy should we allow, especially in the digital age? And how do we respect their privacy while still maintaining a healthy connection with our kids? Experts weigh in.

What Politics Can Teach Our Kids (799 words): This article provides parents with tips about how to use the political season and electoral process as a teaching opportunity in independent thinking, values and civics. I also offer ideas about how to have respectful discussions, even when two parents (or other loved ones) disagree.
Stranger Danger? 10 Smart Strategies to Help Keep Your Child Safe (962 words, plus optional sidebar): Readers learn tips to help guide their children in situations that may seem like gray areas, like who to turn to for help in a store, dealing with adults they only sort-of know, or what to say to untrustworthy family members who want them to go somewhere with them.
All Ears? 9 Games to Tune Up Listening Skills (786 words, including sidebars): Very few people are ever formally taught the skill of listening, yet it is one of the most critical and valued communication skill. Listening not only helps us learn, it helps us build stronger relationships with others. In this article, I share playful ideas that parents can try to foster stronger listeners.
Teaching Kids to Say Sorry (950 words, plus an optional sidebar): Teaching kids to apologize with sincerity is tricky. Often kids say sorry to get out of trouble without totally understanding why an apology is necessary. In this article, experts share tips about how to teach kids the art of the apology while also nurturing accountability and empathy. I also include a short section on forgiveness since the two go hand-in-hand.
Seven Gentle Ways to Calm the Chatter (834 words, plus a sidebar): When they’re just learning to talk or are simply passionate about a particular topic, kids will happily talk and talk. But, some parents wonder if all that talking is normal and what to do about it if a child’s chattiness causes problems at school. In this article, readers learn ways to help their pint-sized chatterbox moderate their talking while nurturing their social skills in a rewarding, positive way.
Nine Social Skills Kids Learn from Eating Out (704 words, plus two optional sidebars): Kids gone wild in restaurants makes for sensational press from time to time, but that shouldn’t deter families. Dining out periodically helps youngsters learn important social skills and appropriate behavior in a public place. In this piece, I share how parents can use dining out to nurture skills like eye contact, speaking up, social cues and small talk.
Myths Vs. Facts: Talking to Kids About Suicide (884 words, plus two optional sidebars): Suicide is now the third leading cause of death among 10 to 14 year olds and the second leading cause of death among middle school and high school students. Taking time to discuss this epidemic with our kids can be an important key to prevention. This piece tackles the common misconceptions around discussing suicide with our kids.

Talking About Bullying? (856 words): Bullying can impact the victims in devastating, long-lasting ways, including feelings of self-worthlessness, anxiety and depression. Signs that a child is experiencing bullying varies, but one sign parents may not immediately recognize is if their youngster suddenly turns into a chatterbox. In this article, I provide information to parents about how a child might use talk as a defense mechanism. Some kids aren’t sure how to broach the subject that they are being tormented at school because they don’t want to disappoint their parents or they feel embarrassed. Instead, they talk about everything else under the sun. In addition, the article describes ways parents can advocate for their child and how to talk to their child about dealing with a bully.
13 Ways Traveling Parents Can Ease a Child’s Separation Anxiety (747 words): Business travel takes many parents away from home for several days or even a few weeks at a time. Children handle a parent’s absences differently. While one child might feel accustomed to his parent’s business travels, another may feel anxious, angry or sad. And those reactions can fluctuate depending on the age of the child and what’s going on in his or her life. This list article provides tips for parents to help their child adjust to an intermittent travel schedule. With a few simple strategies, parents can help a child better cope, while also creating a stronger, more connected family.
Unplug: How Unstructured Time Fosters Better Connection (694 words plus four optional sidebars): When we take breaks from technology and the distractions of daily life, we create space to grow our relationships with others and clarify our personal needs. This piece shares why unplugged time is necessary for all of us. The optional sidebars include fun facts and a quiz.
Technology / Social Media
Raise a Social Media Savvy Teen (777 words, including two sidebars): Parents learn tips to help keep their adolescents and their privacy safe online. Sidebars include statistics on teen Internet use and additional resources.
Better Balance Screen Time: Simple tips for a Happier Family (943 words, plus four optional sidebars). This feature-length article shares tips from experts about how families can live happily with electronics without sacrificing face-to-face time, making time for unplugged, creative play.
7 Tips to Social Media Train Kids (647 words, including a sidebar): A necessary part of modern-day parenting is helping our kids navigate the online environment in a safe and savvy way. In this piece, I offer simple strategies that parents can integrate into daily life to help them consciously prepare kids to engage responsibly online from the time they are very young.
Our Kids’ Brains on Video Games (981 words, plus optional sidebars): Video gaming can be a positive, fun way for kids to connect with each other–and even with their parents. But what happens to their developing brain if a child spends an unlimited amount of time engaged in their favorite pixelated universe? Experts share how prolonged video gaming can impact our kids developing grey matter and ways to find a healthy balance.
Six Tips to Help Kids Use Social Media in a Healthy Way (999 words, plus an optional sidebar): Kids of all ages are joining social media in record numbers. As the rates of depression and anxiety skyrocket among adolescents due to increased reliance on social media to engage with others, it’s more important than ever for parents to find ways to strike a balance around wise tech use.

The Upside of Social Media Connected Kids (918 words, including sidebar): We hear plenty about the troubles kids encounter on social media every day. Used proactively, however, social media offers enriching opportunities for kids to learn and engage with the community like never before. In this article, I share how kids are using social media to learn, build awareness and connect with the world in a positive way. In addition, I include tips about ways parents can guide their youngsters to grow into proactive, positive social media users now and into the future.
Why Social Media Behavior Matters (882 words, plus two optional sidebars): How kids behave on social media can impact not only their personal safety, but also the way colleges and employers view them. In this piece, I not only share why online behavior matters, I also include tips from experts about training kids to be savvy social media users. With these tips, we can help keep our kids safe and help them establish a digital footprint that makes them feel proud.
How to Design a Family Digital Citizenship Contract (850 words): It’s always a good idea to re-emphasize family values when it comes to establishing a positive digital footprint. Just as many schools require students to sign digital citizenship contracts, it’s a good idea for families to do the same. I share steps parents can use to come up with a contract that fits their family’s needs. In the process, they can use the opportunity to discuss their expectations around technology and help guide their kids toward making safe, smart choices online.
Stay Safe from Social Media Gossip (885 words): Tips for parents of teens/tweens about ways they can help protect their kids from online gossip and what to do if their child becomes the subject of cruel rumors. Also includes four optional sidebars, including family discussion questions and sites parents should have on their radar.
What to Do When Online Conversation Gets Ugly (855-word article, including three optional sidebars): Social media is supposed to be a fun place to watch silly videos, check in on friends’ photos and posts and read interesting articles. And it’s a place where many of us go to share concerns and thoughts about current events. Of course, any time we put ourselves out there to share an opinion, we can expect feedback from those who disagree. How do we manage our emotions and put our best selves forward when online conversation takes a nasty turn? I share tips for managing unkind individuals, as well as anger and bullying.
Winter / Holidays
11 Ways Families Can Salute a Veteran (748 words): November 11 is Veterans Day. In this article, I provide resources and a variety of ways readers can pay tribute to veterans, as well as, active duty members of the armed forces and their families.
Go a Little Rogue for a More Gratifying Thanksgiving (963 words including a sidebar): Tired of making Great Aunt Betty’s soggy green bean casserole every year or traveling long distances to hang out with family members you don’t even like that much over the Thanksgiving holiday? Maybe it’s time to plan a small rebellion. This piece shares ways families enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday on their own terms–and end up feeling more blessed than ever.
Craft Time! How to Make Keepsake Thank You Cards (631 words): In this how-to article parents can help children create cards that friends and family will love in six easy steps. This is a fun, post-holiday activity that the whole family can enjoy.
Dinner is Done, Now What? (1,093 words): We tend to put lots of thought into preparing the Thanksgiving feast, but once dinner is over, how can we keep the festivities going? While many families are perfectly content to sit back and relax around the television watching football games or movies, others are looking for other ideas for post-Thanksgiving Dinner fun.
12 Guilty Pleasures that Combat Holiday Stress (948 words): I share ideas from moms about ways they like to unwind or steal moments during a hectic day or week. Whether moms sneak in an express manicure over their lunch hour or escape with friends for a weekend, a little self-nurturance can go a long way in helping them be the parents they want to be.

12 Tips to Tame the Holiday Circus (782 words): Fun ways for moms to replace a frenzied program of events with a more relaxing, focused holiday that the entire family can benefit from.
How to Host a Holiday Cookie Exchange (711 words): Cookie exchanges are a fun excuse to get together with friends over the holidays. In this piece, I explain how to plan a cookie exchange that includes an element of community service.
10 Commandments for More Holiday Cheer (1,044 plus sidebar): For years, I ran through the holiday season as if my hair was on fire. Then, a few years ago, I woke up with a screaming sore throat and no voice on Christmas morning. After all of my hard work, I was unable to partake in the festivities, and my family ended up ordering in Chinese food for Christmas dinner. (Thank goodness our favorite restaurant was actually open.) This piece shares sage advice from experts about taking back control of the holidays, rediscovering the meaning behind the season–and not getting sick!
New Year, New Attitude: How to Tap More Joy in the New Year (918 words plus three optional sidebars): Today’s families are always on the go, but when the daily grind begins to leave us feeling stressed, drained and down in the dumps, it can be harder to problem-solve or see the silver lining. This article includes inspiration and tips from experts about how to shift to a more optimistic mindset and help families experience more happiness in the coming year.
Winter Got You Down? 14 Ways to Nourish Your Spirit (1,096 words, including sidebar): With the excitement of the holidays behind us, the cold, short days of winter can be a difficult time of year for many people, especially women. This article shares simple ways we can take extra good care of ourselves during a time of the year when many are at risk for winter blues and seasonal affective disorder.
A Valentine’s Day Playbook for Your Family: 10 Ways to Say “I Love You” (841 words, including sidebars): Features fun ways for the entire family to rally around this international holiday of love–and most of these ideas cost very little or nothing but time to execute.
Dealing with Homesickness at Camp (689 words): Homesickness at camp is common among children. This article addresses what to do when a child complains of homesickness while away at camp.
Overnight Camps Cook Up Memorable Fun (829 words): Tips to help parents find a sleep-away camp that matches their child and gives them peace of mind. This article also touches on culinary as one of the top trends at traditional camps.
Preparing Happy Campers (748 words): Summer camp is a time-honored tradition, rich with activities, newfound friendships and a lifetime of memories. Explore a few ways to make your child’s camp experience smooth sailing from start to finish.

Choosing the Right Day Camp (547 words): Day camp is an introduction to the camp experience and a great way for kids to explore interests that they may not have time for during the busy school year. This short piece provides helpful tips that parents can use while shopping for day camps.
Young Chefs Fire Up Camp Kitchens (744 words): This article further explores the interest in culinary tracks at traditional camps.
10 Benefits of Summer Camp (897 words plus two optional sidebars): Summer camp is an opportunity for kids to stretch their wings, learn new skills, make new friends and so much more. This piece shares the 10 ways summer camp nurtures our kids, including personal development and friendship building. These are skills that they’ll take with them when they head back home and rely on them as they grow into adults.
Six Tips for a Successful Sleep-Away Camp Experience (800 words, including sidebar): Going away to an overnight camp for the first time can be scary for kids–and their parents. In this piece, I share six tips that will help set kids up for a fun and memorable first-time camp experience.
Weather Woes: Managing a Child’s Fear of Storms (712 words): Experts share tips to help parents whose children experience anxiety during turbulent weather events.
From Fairytales to Waterfalls: Unearth Mother Nature’s Playground (948 words, including sidebar): parents learn simple ways to make their backyard more kid-friendly. From an experiential learning retreat to interactive and seasonal observation areas, gardening can indulge a child’s sense of curiosity and nurture a healthy respect for the natural world around them.
Team Sports Versus Individual Sports (1,003 words, including three optional sidebars): As kids enter the school years, parents turn to organized sports to help keep their youngsters active and socially involved. But with all of the options available, selecting a sport that is a good match for your child isn’t always easy. Before jumping into a sport, it’s helpful to know the differences between team and individual sports, including the pros and cons of both.

Ready or Not! Here Comes Summer (1,092 words including sidebar): In my experience, summer often goes one of two ways — either the family is going in so many directions, you see the school year as a welcome break, or there isn’t enough happening and your kids are glued to their electronics all summer (eek!). I share tips and creative ideas from experts about how to approach the summer season in a more mindful way, taking into account a family’s individual needs and desires.
11 Things Every Child Should Do This Summer (724 words): This article is a series of tips to help families keep boredom at bay and make it a summer they will always remember.
14 Ways to Enrich Summer Time Learning (894-words, plus sidebar): The last thing most kids want to do over summer vacation is homework! But we can help them reinforce the math, science and reading skills they learned during the school year by taking advantage of daily errands, family vacations and outings. This article explains how.
Seven Summer Job Tips for Teens (756 words): This article provides tips parents can share with their teens about entrepreneurial job ideas along with valuable advice that can help their children begin building an impressive resume.
Nine Impressive Skills Kid Entrepreneurs Learn (1.043 words plus two optional sidebars): With a little bit of ingenuity, any child can test their entrepreneurial wings–and gain a wealth of life skills along the way. This piece includes the stories of several children who started their own businesses. Their parents weigh in on the valuable skills their kids are learning from their entrepreneurial experiences.
Health / Wellness
Seven Tips for Overcoming Fear of the Dark (970 words plus several sidebars): For a child who is already fearful of the dark, the spooky images surrounding the Halloween season can make it worse. But no matter what time of the year it is, fear of the dark can be a frustrating problem for kids and parents. I share ways parents can help their child manage night time fear, a common problem children of all ages experience.
Vaping 101: What Every Parent Needs to Know Now (840 words, including two optional sidebars): Vaping is a growing problem among middle and high school students. Kids seem to think that it’s perfectly safe–and they think it’s cool. But has the tobacco industry simply found a new way to reach the next generation of nicotine addicts? Parents will learn what vaping is and the known risks of inhaling these products. I also share tips about how to talk to your kids about e-cigarettes.
Time to Tango with the Tooth Fairy? (905 words): Practical advice about what to expect when a child begins losing his baby teeth. In addition, I provide an entertaining, historical look at the global customs surrounding the loss of baby teeth, as well as (no spoiler alert needed!) how the Tooth Fairy collects her pearly prizes and what her going rate is these days.
Basic Guide to Children’s Skin Rashes (792 words): I include a list of the more common types of rashes babies and kids are likely to sport. In addition, I provide advice from experts about what parents should do when they see a mysterious rash appear on their child.
Namaste: Discover the Benefits of Yoga for Kids (533 words): Parents learn how yoga can enhance a child’s self-image, boost concentration and attention, and reduce stress–all while strengthening their bodies.

Medical Diagnosis: Talking to kids about a loved one’s terminal illness or injury. (773 words, including sidebar): What do you tell your child if a parent or another loved one is diagnosed with a serious illness or suffers from a debilitating or fatal injury? Sadly, these conversations happen more than we’d like to believe. Consider cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, two out of three people will be diagnosed today. While advancements in medicine help more and more people survive, we still have to know how to address these issues with our families. This piece provides tips from experts about how to talk to kids about tragic, life-changing events resulting from illness or accident. In an optional sidebar, I include tips for legacy-building activities that can work to create positive memories between a child and a dying loved one.
Understanding Eating Disorders Among Kids (766 words, including sidebars): Studies find that children as young as six years old are suffering from eating disorders. What can we do to help prevent and/or recognize these dangerous conditions in our boys and girls? This article aims to build awareness among parents and those who work with kids to grow more aware of the signs and risk factors that accompany eating disorders.
Nine Ways to Boost Your Child’s Immune System (785 word article, including two sidebars): A registered dietitian and naturopathic doctors share tips about how to prevent illness and power up the body to fight the common cold and flu more effectively. One of the sidebars includes a recipe for homemade chicken broth, an old-fashioned, but effective remedy for treating colds and flu.
Diversifying the Plate of the Picky Eater (624 words, including two sidebars): Kids can be pretty firm about the foods they’ll eat and won’t eat. But that doesn’t stop parents from worrying about how they can encourage their picky youngsters to eat nourishing foods, especially as we head into winter’s cold and flu season. Registered dietitians share tips that can help parents get their kids to try an assortment of healthy foods.
Five Ways to Help Keep Your Toddler Out of the ER (910 words, plus optional sidebar): Anyone who has spent time around a toddler knows just how busy they can be, which also means they can be at risk for injury and illness. In this article, a pediatric emergency physician shares the top reasons why youngsters often end up in the emergency department and ideas that can help kids stay healthy and safe. And since parenting rarely goes according to plan, I also share tips for how to make a trip to the ER go a little smoother.
Money Issues
10 Money Lessons to Help Your Kids Avoid Debt (929 plus two optional sidebars): By teaching our kids to be smart money managers, we are providing them with a life skill that will help them enjoy more financially secure lives. This piece shares expert advice that will help parents set their kids on the right track when it comes to making financially responsible decisions.
Money Matters: Raising Money Savvy Kids (687 words plus three optional sidebars): Raising children to understand the value of money takes time and patience, but it’s a life skill that will set them on the path toward personal and financial independence. This article shares tips tips from experts and parents about how to raise kids who are smart money managers.
Surviving & Thriving on a Single Income Budget (835 words plus a sidebar): Roughly 31 percent of families live on a single income budget. While it can be challenging considering the many choices and expenses today’s families face, some parents have found ways to survive and thrive on one income. This article explains how they do it.

Travel / Relocation
9 Tips to Make Relocation Easier on Your Kids (744 words plus two sidebars): Helpful ideas about how parents can ease the transition of a move for their kids. I have also included a 41-word sidebar about what a parent should do if their child is not handling the transition well and a 55-word sidebar with additional resources.