Interviews & Mentions

Mindful Mama Podcast episode 29: Creating Meaningful Connections in the Digital World
“This is a great show focused on dealing with technology and how you can create deep and meaningful connections with your family. We love Christa’s practical and powerful tips on how to take mindful breaks from your devices, like connecting together in the family room, taking a weekly digital sabbath or creating “no phone zones” in your home.”
Chris Jones, writer and podcast host of “The Art & Business
of Writing” interviewed me on his podcast.
You can listen in here.

Interview with Malia Jacobson for Parent Map magazine, titled Home Alone: Ways to Beat New Parent Isolation

Interview on FoxNews 4 Kansas City (WDAF):
What Can Politics Teach Our Kids
“FOX 4 invited Christa Melnyk Hines, author of several books on parenthood in today’s world as well as a popular blog on “creating meaningful relationships in the digital age” to come and answer some questions many parents no doubt have about their kids and politics.”
Christina Katz, author of The Writer’s Workbook, Get Known Before the Book Deal and Writer Mama, featured my ebook Confidently Connected: A Mom’s Guide to a Satisfying Social Life in her annual “Writer Mama Everyday in May Book Giveaway.“ managing editor Rhonda Franz.
Lisa Holbrook interviewed me on the KCTV 5’s
Better KC morning show about Confidently Connected,
Better Kansas City KCTV

A mention on essayist Abby Green’s blog.